Monday, June 20, 2011

Thanks for the Phones!

Weh di go on!

Unlike bow-hunting and professional whistling, I am not very good at blogging, but it seems like the thing to do if you are traveling and want to update everyone at once. Here I can tell you important things like ice cream is $42 for a half gallon, I saw an iguana for the first time, and Joel has two new dogs named after Israelite priests. Anyway...

I arrived in Belize City Tuesday afternoon and made my first contact in the immigration line. Everyone speaks quickly and quietly here, so sometimes I just pretend that I know what they're saying in order to move along. Not always a good idea. I accidentally set up a meeting with some randm guy to take him to church. Sigh...I actually had a hard time adjusting to...well, to everything Tuesday. I don't speak the language, or know how to make Fry Jacks, so the first day was a little uncomfortable. But once you get over yourself and see that Belize wasn't designed for you, and point your fan directly at the foot of your bed, things calm down a little.

I'm staying at Strong Tower which is a shelter for girls from abusive homes. The house overlooks the Caribbean Sea in a pretty safe area of the city. Sheena is the only staff member and she makes sure that they are well taken care of. I had a great talk with her on the roof last night about the ministry and all that it could become. But truly, the laborers are few and the support is inconsistent. This is not a city that one comes to lightly to be a missionary, it is dangerous, run down, and full poverty stricken. Many of the people who come here to serve actually end up moving out to the cayes to live in American colonies or serve in wealthier areas, so it is hard for Sheena to get the help that she needs. It is a huge blessing that both Elly and Whitney will be here for the summer and beyond.

Thanks to everyone who donated cell phones. Those phones alone will bring in about $1500 Belize for Strong Tower, which is huge. So if you have old phones in good condition lying around, consider saving them for the girls here.

Well, off to watch a pelican search for fish before we head to the Mexican circus. Have a great day everyone.

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